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More than offering specialized personal training, including group training, running programs, and dry land sports training, I offer full muscle recovery training

My philosophy is Muscle Balance = A Strong , Well Functioning Body!  A Happy Mind, Happy Body, Happy Life!


Sheryl Jobbagy

I have been involved in fitness for over 20 years and Graduated from Mt. Royal College/University in 2007. Over those years I have had the opportunity to surround myself with talented, smart personal trainers and business owners 


In conjunction with other fitness certifications along the way that have molded me into the fitness coach, I am today. 


Helping people is my passion and I love the feeling when I have made a difference in someone's life. Whether that is from a client no longer waking up with pain, dealing with old nagging injuries, reaching that desired body image, or just watching clients get stronger and happier! It is the most gratifying feeling!


I am always grateful for each client that has chosen me as their fitness coach, and I am very lucky to work with my amazing clients every week. We are always working towards the fitness goal of each client, however, my job is to make sure that i get you there with your body functioning properly. Using the Muscle Activation Technique with my clients has been and amazing tool in my training to get your body working its BEST. 


Results, Accountability and Custom Corrective Personal Coaching




"Sheryl is amazing to work with. She is supportive, positive and motivational and very knowledgable.  By always mixing up exercises and routines she is able to avoid monotony and repetitiveness. I have been with Sheryl for years now and will never go without my workouts with her. She has drastically improved my strength, balance, and overall health.  It has been the best investment I have ever made."


- Kimberly

"My husband and I have had the pleasure of working with Sheryl for the past year. We have found her to be friendly, supportive, reliable and extremely knowledgeable in fitness and personal training. Her MAT certification and treatments have helped us both immensely to get our muscles working properly. We have had other trainers in the past and feel Sheryl is by far the best. We would highly recommend her to anyone looking to increase their activity, get fit, strengthen muscles and improve endurance.....not only that it's been a lot of fun and we have seen results!! Thank you Sheryl!!"


- Dr Erin E., BSc, DMd

"I have worked with trainers in the past but Sheryl was the only one to assess me for muscle inbalances and deficits. She designed a program specifically for me that pushed me through my plateau in weight loss and helped me prepare for endurance racing through cardio and resistance training. I would highly recommend Sheryl to anyone looking to improve their current health status. Sheryl was especially helpful in helping me gain increased flexibility in my hip and reducing the pain."


- Jennifer PFT

"When I first met Sheryl I hadn't worked out or looked after myself in over 10 years. In 2013 life changed and so did my mindset. I walked into the gym with little understanding about proper workouts. Sheryl could see my struggle and asked if I needed assistance.... in a matter of minutes Sheryl taught me some basic techniques. After my workout I agreed to hire Sheryl as my personal trainer. After two plus years working with Sheryl I'm stronger, healthier, and more aware about how to take care of myself.... Sheryl is any excellent motivator, coach and always has a smile on her face... if you are looking for someone who will teach you and guide you towards your fitness goal contact Sheryl... it will be worth it!"


- Jason

“I would say I love working with you. It's helped me become more aware of my muscles and improved my flexibility and technique. And I'm more balanced!  Mentally and physically.”



Sheryl Jobbagy





Phone: 403-807-8092


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